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Here at Hembeck.com we realize you're a busy individual. You just don't have time to wade through all the stuff you've already read. And that's precisely WHY, as a public service, we're providing you with a listing of what's NEW ON SITE for your convenience. So what exactly are you waiting for? Go check it out! JULY 28, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a link to my "Superman Returns" review... JULY 23, 2006 Fred Sez, aye carumba! JULY 21, 2006 Fred Sez, links and auctions... JULY 14, 2006 Fred Sez, they sez it's yer birthday! JULY 13, 2006 Fred Sez, more links and quick comments JULY 10, 2006 Fred Sez, time to address the issue... JULY 6, 2006 Fred Sez, Quick Stop links! JULY 4, 2006 Fred Sez, it's America's birthday--cake for everyone! JULY 3, 2006 Fred Sez, Subway Series recap, part two JUNE 29, 2006 Fred Sez, the weekly links are back! JUNE 28, 2006 Fred Sez, I have a Super-request... JUNE 26, 2006 Fred Sez, a little of this and that... JUNE 23, 2006 Fred Sez, happy anniversary to US!... JUNE 22, 2006 Fred Sez, announcing the new home of The Fred Hembeck Show! JUNE 20, 2006 Fred Sez, another milestone birthday celebrated... JUNE 19, 2006 Fred Sez, I'm not exactly like a candle in the wind, but.... JUNE 18, 2006 Fred Sez, have a Super Dad Day! JUNE 17, 2006 Fred Sez, you might get a kick out of THIS anecdote!... JUNE 16, 2006 Fred Sez, it's my MoCCA 2006 recap--with pictures! JUNE 15, 2006 Fred Sez, this blog entry should go right down the drain... JUNE 12, 2006 Fred Sez, and ANOTHER! Tim Hildebrandt, RIP... JUNE 11, 2006 Fred Sez, damn--ANOTHER obit! Farewell Jaxon... JUNE 9, 2006 Fred Sez, farewell, George Kashdan... JUNE 8, 2006 A short salute to Billy Preston, posted over on my Beatles Blog. JUNE 7, 2006 Fred Sez, time for an X-Men Classic Cover Redo! JUNE 6, 2006 Fred Sez, six six six! JUNE 4, 2006 Fred Sez, time to face up to my daughter's talent... JUNE 1, 2006 Fred Sez, here's my version of the most famous IRON MAN cover of all... MAY 28, 2006 Fred Sez, we remember the late Alex Toth... MAY 26, 2006 Fred Sez, time to Fidel about!... MAY 25, 2006 Fred Sez, a salute to a fallen Fred... MAY 24, 2006 Fred Sez, here's my take on the "24" finale... MAY 23, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a few interesting links... MAY 22, 2006 Fred Sez, Subway Series, 2006, game three recap--the HAPPY recap! MAY 21, 2006 Fred Sez, Subway Series, 2006, game two recap--the UNHAPPY recap... MAY 20, 2006 Fred Sez, Subway Series, 2006, game one recap--the HAPPY recap! MAY 19th, 2006 Fred Sez, attention Al Wiseman fans! MAY 18, 2006 Fred Sez, don't about the divorce trial, Paul--she doesn't have a leg to stand on! (...sorry...) MAY 16, 2006 Fred Sez, links and an auction--yawn. So what ELSE is new?... MAY 14, 2006 Fred Sez, it's a DOUBLE holiday! MAY 13, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a link to a list, and a warning, too... MAY 11, 2006 Fred Sez, beat me over the head with THIS Club, I dare ya!... MAY 10, 2006 Fred Sez, a few links, and a LOT of auctions! MAY 9, 2006 Fred Sez, "24" may've been up in the air last night, but it's sure not for the birds!.. MAY 8, 2006 Fred Sez, Speedy didn't just take Alka -Seltzer, apparently... MAY 7, 2006 Fred Sez, it was a long day, but a fun one... MAY 4, 2006 Fred Sez, just a quick link to an auction. MAY 3, 2006 Fred Sez, mother's day came early this year, apparently... MAY 2, 2006 Fred Sez, prepare for a Gore-fest!... APRIL 30, 2006 Fred Sez, here's an X-Men cover redo... APRIL 29, 2006 Fred Sez, school plays and Hulk artists--around here, they go together! Who knew?... APRIL 27, 2006 Fred Sez, now I'm blogging on MySpace--where will it all end?... APRIL 26, 2006 Fred Sez, more about THE most memorable gag cartoon I ever saw!... APRIL 25, 2006 Fred Sez, links, an auction, and a President Bush joke that I made up myself! APRIL 23, 2006 Fred Sez, a new site sighting! APRIL 22, 2006 Fred Sez, dreams for sale! APRIL 21, 2006 Fred Sez, Kaz and effect!... APRIL20, 2006 Fred Sez, time for a unique drop out... APRIL 19, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a faux Wrightson!... APRIL 18, 2006 Fred Sez, the weekly link to the FH Show, natch.. APRIL 16, 2006 Fred Sez, to quote Steve Canyon, "Happy Easter!"... APRIL 15, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a little of this and that... APRIL 12, 2006 Fred Sez, Buy Me. B'wana! APRIL 11, 2006 Fred Sez, the weekly IGN link, and some corrections... APRIL 10, 2006 Fred Sez, Hef and Cheetah, and a WHOLE LOTTA candles!... APRIL 8, 2006 Fred Sez, welcome to the circus!... APRIL 7, 2006 Fred Sez, here's some more cover stories... APRIL 5, 2006 Fred Sez, goodbye Gene... APRIL 4, 2006 Fred Sez, links to more Hembeck baseball/comics commentary? Yup! APRIL 3, 2006 Fred Sez, it's Opening Day--and time for some Frosted Flakes! Really!... APRIL 2, 2006 Fred Sez, my very, very short history playing D&D... APRIL 1, 2006 Fred Sez, Five for Friday con anecdotes link included! MARCH 30, 2006 Fred Sez, the eyes have it--the X-ray eyes, that is!... MARCH 29, 2006 Fred Sez, throwing the comedy spotlight on--"24"?... MARCH 28, 2006 Fred Sez, here's yer weekly IGN links!... MARCH 27, 2006 Fred Sez, today we throw the sales spotlight on TRANSMETROPOLITAN, and offer a bonus Five for Friday listing on today's second posting... MARCH 26, 2006 Fred Sez, just a few things... MARCH 22, 2006 Fred Sez, a new cover redo AND a new eBay auction--what fun!... MARCH 21,2006 Fred Sez, time for the weekly links... MARCH 20,2006 Fred Sez, spring roundup! MARCH 19, 2006 Fred Sez, it's no fun being disconnected... MARCH 17, 2006 Fred Sez, time to cut the Transformers lose!... MARCH 16, 2006 Fred Sez, Happy 80th, kid!... MARCH 14, 2006 Fred Sez, links for The Show.. MARCH 11, 2006 Fred Sez, cover coverage! MARCH 9, 2006 Fred Sez, have you seen your father baby, chuckling in the shadows?.. MARCH 8, 2006 Fred Sez, links, 24, and goodbyes... MARCH 7, 2006 Fred Sez, happy birthday, Mr. Green!... MARCH 6, 2006 Fred Sez, Oscar show recap! MARCH 5, 2006 Fred Sez, come help welcome me back to eBay! MARCH 3, 2006 Fred Sez, time to get naked--but for a good cause, of course!... MARCH 2, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a fair and balanced observation... FEBRUARY 28, 2006 Fred Sez, turning fifty--again!... FEBRUARY 27, 2006 Fred Sez, here's a few delights from the Hembeck photo archives... FEBRUARY 26, 2006 Fred Sez, farewell Barney... FEBRUARY 25, 2006 Fred Sez, I literally don't know if I'm coming or going... FEBRUARY 24, 2006 Fred Sez, clipping odds and ends--Dick Tracy to Hayley Mills, plus Soupy Sales! FEBRUARY 23, 2006 Fred Sez, do you believe in magic? I know I do... FEBRUARY 22, 2006 Fred Sez, join me on The Road To Orlando! FEBRUARY 21, 2006 Fred Sez, here are all the recent links! FEBRUARY 20, 2006 Fred Sez, I'm baaaack!... FEBRUARY 14, 2006 Fred Sez, Happy V Day, lovers! FEBRUARY 12, 2006 Fred Sez, honest, Abe, I wouldn't forget your birthday!... FEBRUARY 10, 2006 Fred Sez, no one ever called Batwoman mousy, I hope... FEBRUARY 8, 2006 Fred Sez, new evidence on the TRUE age of Al Lewis! FEBRUARY 7, 2005 Fred Sez, links, "24", and the Stones... FEBRUARY 5, 2006 Fred Sez, Leo Schnauser, we'll miss you... FEBRUARY 4, 2006 Fred Sez, here's some quick links... FEBRUARY 1, 2006 Fred Sez, Bush's birthday salute, and more! JANUARY 31, 2006 Fred Sez, greatest IGN link EVER! JANUARY 30, 2006 Fred Sez, let ME eat cake!... JANUARY 28, 2006 Fred Sez, Elvis croaked--but that's a GOOD thing, honest!.. JANUARY 24, 2006 Fred Sez, time again for your weekly links! JANUARY 22, 2006 Fred Sez, time to once again peek into what lurks inside FROM THE TOMB... JANUARY 19, 2006 Fred Sez, let's hear it for Omaha and the Pussycats!... JANUARY 18, 2006 Fred Sez, THIS Dr.Strange is no Nowhere Man, thanks to some righting of once blatantly biased cover-age... JANUARY 17, 2006 Fred Sez, time for the weekly links! JANUARY 16, 2006 Fred Sez, got MLK? (No, not really, but he had to say it SOMEWHERE, and better here for that cheesy gag than in the actual blog entry...) JANUARY 15, 2006 Fred Sez, forget the QE2--this one's about KOOKIE 2!! JANUARY 14, 2006 Fred Sez, carrot-topped King covers! JANUARY 12, 2006 Fred Sez, Holy Horrible Holidays, Batman!... JANUARY 11, 2006 Fred Sez, weekly links, compounded by Riverdale dance moves... JANUARY 10, 2006 Fred Sez, two's company, but TREE's a crowd! JANUARY 8, 2006 Fred Sez, it's time to celebrate--times three! JANUARY 6, 2006 Fred Sez, today we introduce you to The World's Greatest Bananas! JANUARY 3, 2006 Fred Sez, IGN links and weather updates! JANUARY 2, 2006 Fred Sez, it's monkey-business down at the multiplex! JANUARY 1, 2006 Fred Sez--what else?--HAPPY NEW YEAR!! DECEMBER 31, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the year-end review--get the No-Doz!.. DECEMBER 29, 2005 Fred Sez, sometimes, your fingers have a mind of their own... DECEMBER 28, 2005 Fred Sez, time for our third annual December 28th celebration--feel free to join in, True Believers!... DECEMBER 26, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some fantastic fours!... DECEMBER 25, 2005 Fred Sez, here now the War news... DECEMBER 24, 2005 Fred Sez, here's wishing you a, well, YOU know!... DECEMBER 23, 2005 Fred Sez, here's MORE Santa Heads!?!.. DECEMBER 21, 2005 Fred Sez, Sugar and Spike and me--whoda thot?... DECEMBER 20, 2005 Fred Sez, we give you the weekly links, with a side order of holiday cheesecake as a bonus!... DECEMBER 19, 2005 Fred Sez, hey Frankie--wrong month! DECEMBER 14, 2005 Fred Sez, it's all in the details--unfortunately there are too many of them!!... DECEMBER 13, 2005 Fred Sez, this week's IGN link links you to something I put up on this site a few days ago, but didn't tell you about! Tricky little devil, ain't I?... DECEMBER 10, 2005 Fred Sez, more on the Fab Four--and Yoko... DECEMBER 8, 2005 Fred Sez, bad memories today, a quarter century later... DECEMBER 6, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some long-winded links... DECEMBER 5, 2005 Fred Sez, links for Hayley and SpongeBob, that's all... DECEMBER 4, 2005 Fred Sez, you can't blame voter fraud on the Composite Superman--can you?... DECEMBER 3, 2005 Fred Sez, here's the 5 for Friday link--AND a great piece of art bt Alex Toth! DECEMBER 2, 2005 Fred Sez, Jerry, Regis, and Marilyn--ANOTHER solid group, lemme tell ya!... DECEMBER 1, 2005 Fred Sez, Jerry, Conan, Chris, Ashton, and Demi--now, THERE'S a group for ya!.. NOVEMBER 29, 2005 Fred Sez, here's yer weekly IGN links... NOVEMBER 26, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the Five For Friday results, and a dinner gag (or is that, gagging on dinner?...) NOVEMBER 24, 2005 Fred Sez, happy turkey day! NOVEMBER 22, 2005 Fred Sez, IGN links time! NOVEMBER 20, 2005 Fred Sez, I have an important message for the man known as Sleestak... NOVEMBER 19, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some links... NOVEMBER 17, 2005 Fred Sez, more sketchbook critters, and a Jerry Lewis link you just can't miss!... NOVEMBER 16, 2005 Fred Sez, time to dip into the ol' Sketchbook... NOVEMBER 15, 2005 Fred Sez, the weekly IGN links, and a joke my daughter didn't get... NOVEMBER 12, 2005 Fred Sez, take five! NOVEMBER 10, 2005 Fred Sez, and now the news--sorta... NOVEMBER 9, 2005 Fred Sez, see if you can SPOT the links this week... NOVEMBER 7, 2005 Fred Sez, another Dynamic Duo drawing for your perusal... NOVEMBER 5, 2005 Fred Sez, 52 new links added! NOVEMBER 3, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the Halloween wrap, and the year-end ending!... NOVEMBER 2, 2005 Fred Sez, IGN links, and a picture of Iron Mask! Woo hoo! NOVEMBER 1, 2005 Fred Sez, here's all five Marx Brothers in their civvies!... OCTOBER 31, 2005 Fred Sez, have a Lulu of a Halloween!... OCTOBER 30, 2005 Fred Sez, here's the most horrible blonde of them all!!... OCTOBER 29, 2005 Fred Sez, what has three eyes and a suspiciously familiar grin? Take a look... OCTOBER 28, 2005 Fred Sez, Stan Lee laughs with the monsters--all in black and white for a quarter!... OCTOBER 27, 2005 Fred Sez, time to visit Hotel Karloffonia!... OCTOBER 26, 2005 Fred Sez, IGN links, and a really cool picture of Bela Lugosi--what more could you ask for, huh?... OCTOBER 25, 2005 Fred Sez, Lashing out today--but in a GOOD way... OCTOBER 24, 2005 Fred Sez, Frankenstein, Dracula, and the Wolfman weren't the ONLY team-ups to send chills up my spine! OCTOBER 23, 2005 Fred Sez, Herbie gets the Monster Bug, but it ain't exactly a Disney flick!... OCTOBER 22, 2005 Fred Sez, this entry is far from Price-less!... OCTOBER 21, 2005 Fred Sez, meet Harry--you'll dig him! And hopefully, before he digs YOU!!... OCTOBER 20, 2005 Fred Sez, THIS Samm was no Sham!.. OCTOBER 19, 2005 Fred Sez, IGN links, and the shapely nose of...Vincent Price?... OCTOBER 18, 2005 Fred Sez, Dr. Jekyll and.. Chico Marx? OCTOBER 17, 2005 Fred Sez, you're a near-sight for sore eyes, Frankie!.... OCTOBER 16, 2005 Fred Sez, the monsters invade Riverdale--and guess who winds up running scared? OCTOBER 15, 2005 Fred Sez, here's an outre combo-AND an unrelated sob story, to boot! OCTOBER 14, 2005 Fred Sez, where's Count Rockula?... OCTOBER 13, 2005 Fred Sez, now, a few words about my favorite real-life monster! OCTOBER 12, 2005 Fred Sez, it's IGN links, and more! OCTOBER 11, 2005 Fred Sez, it's Queer Eye For The Monster Guy, sorta... OCTOBER 10, 2005 Fred Sez, meet Fantucchiostein! OCTOBER 9, 2005 Fred Sez, here comes the Bride--RUN!!!... OCTOBER 8, 2005 Fred Sez, with a start in the world of macabre moviedom like this, the only way to go is up!... OCTOBER 7, 2005 Fred Sez, THIS butler sure looks like he's gonna do it, doesn't he?... OCTOBER 6, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a brief look at the grandaddy of fantasy journalism--AND a home for horrific puns!!... OCTOBER 5, 2005 Fred Sez, IGN link, Count Duckula, Geraldo Rivera--geez, isn't that ENOUGH? OCTOBER 4, 2005 Fred Sez, today we have a monstrous logo, and a sad farewell.. OCTOBER 3, 2005 Fred Sez, today, I go BATS!... OCTOBER 2, 2005 Fred Sez, with a name like Drucker, you'd BETTER draw good!! OCTOBER 1, 2005 Fred Sez, hey Tom Peyer--here's Soup'n Frankenstein! SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 Fred Sez, five for the last Friday of the month, and a few other links as well... SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 Fred Sez, welcome to Alice in Bubbleland!... SEPTEMBER 28, 2005 Fred Sez, "Ooo! Ooo!--here comes the IGN link, and more!!" SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 Fred Sez, would you believe, THIS is my tribute to Agent 86?... SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 Fred Sez, a Boltinoff not wearing enough? Yup--take a look... SEPTEMBER 25, 2005 Fred Sez, talkin' 'bout my Petey!... SEPTEMBER 24, 2005 Fred Sez, some Archie imitations were all wet, as you'll soon see... SEPTEMBER 23, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a few links... SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 Fred Sez, I thought they were lovers, not fighters?.. SEPTEMBER 21, 2005 Fred Sez, we're talkin' "X"... SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a new twist on the Old Groaner... SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 Fred Sez, the Miracle has lost another small portion of its luster... SEPTEMBER 18, 2005 Fred Sez, the story of Jones and son... SEPTEMBER 17, 2005 Fred Sez, this is sure one Super posting! SEPTEMBER 16, 2005 Fred Sez, random notes today, gang... SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 Fred Sez, no coconuts for ME, thank you very much!.. SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 Fred Sez, the weekly links--AND a picture of a drum majorette! SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 Fred Sez, the best place to find ancient Chinese secrets? Comic books, of course!.. SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some Hayley follow-ups... SEPTEMBER 11, 2005 Fred Sez, up against the wall, Dick Cavett! SEPTEMBER 10, 2005 Fred Sez, here's five funsters! SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 Fred Sez, all hail Hayley! SEPTEMBER 8, 2005 Fred Sez, how green was my Valli? SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the weekly links!... SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 Fred Sez, Gilligan, R.I.P... SEPTEMBER 5, 2005 Fred Sez, all hail Jerry Lewis!!.. SEPTEMBER 4, 2005 Fred Sez, road trip! SEPTEMBER 3, 2005 Fred Sez, don't worry--there's NOTHING about Richard Marx in today's post!!... SEPTEMBER 2, 2005 Fred Sez, nothing funny today--sorry. SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 Fred Sez, time to Dial H For Hembeck! AUGUST 31, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the weekly IGN links and more, Aquaman edition... AUGUST 30, 2005 Fred Sez, MORE birthday greetings! Hey, it happens every August around here... AUGUST 29, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a Gummo postscript... AUGUST 28, 2005 Fred Sez, time for some Happy Jack! (Who? Kirby, natch--it's his birthday!..) AUGUST 27, 2005 Fred Sez, glad they didn't die before they got old!... AUGUST 26, 2005 Fred Sez, WHY would I choose Vinnie Colletta as a member of my dream bullpen? Read on, friends... AUGUST 25, 2005 Fred Sez, Happy Birthday Julie! AUGUST 24, 2005 Fred Sez, let's get Hyper, Man, with this weeks IGN links, and more!!... AUGUST 23, 2005 Fred Sez, I went to the lunch pad to greet Marz!... AUGUST 22, 2005 Fred Sez, when it's party time, no need to egg ME on!... AUGUST 21, 2005 Fred Sez, gosh wow, Berni!.. AUGUST 20, 2005 Fred Sez, meet your friendly neighborhood menace!... AUGUST 19, 2005 Fred Sez, more on Hope, and the three faces of Hugh... AUGUST 18, 2005 Fred Sez, check out Bob Hope and the Popsicle twins!... AUGUST 17, 2005 Fred Sez, the weekly IGN link, plus some more Green photos! AUGUST 16, 2005 Fred Sez, I'm a one man swat team!... AUGUST 15, 2005 Fred Sez, all props to Gummo! Yes, I said Gummo, dammit! AUGUST 14, 2005 Fred Sez, Dr. Graves, Dr. Strange. Dr. WHO?... AUGUST 13, 2005 Fred Sez, here's five, albeit a day late... AUGUST 12, 2005 Fred Sez, the K Man is a real swinger! AUGUST 11, 2005 Fred Sez, some thoughts about TV GUIDE... AUGUST 10, 2005 Fred Sez, it's time for those IGN links again... AUGUST 9, 2005 Fred Sez, "When Bloggers Meet!" AUGUST 8, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some more of Chef Boyette and Mr. D!... AUGUST 7, 2005 Fred Sez, here's another cover story... AUGUST 6, 2005 Fred Sez, here's the Stark truth about Tony and tobacco.. AUGUST 5, 2005 Fred Sez, as little as possible as fast as possible... AUGUST 4, 2005 Fred Sez, how to get Peanuts for peanuts--explained! AUGUST 3, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the weekly IGN links! AUGUST 2, 2005 Fred Sez, here's three Beetles! (What? No Ringo?...) AUGUST 1, 2005 Fred Sez, T'challa--AND T'Bacca? Seeing is believing--almost... JULY 31, 2005 Fred Sez, Sir Links A Lot strikes again! JULY 30, 2005 Fred Sez, eavesdropping amongst the beanstalks... JULY 29, 2005 Fred Sez, that Silver St. Cloud is one smokin' lady--and that AIN'T good!... JULY 28, 2005 Fred Sez, avast ye--here comes the Jolly Roger!... JULY 27, 2005 Fred Sez, THIS Wonder Woman looks good enough to eat--really!... JULY 26, 2005 Fred Sez, we're talking DARK DETECTIVE over at IGN... JULY 25, 2005 Fred Sez, time for dad to dip into the dictionary... JULY 24, 2005 Fred Sez, Bob Hope's on the road to Zombie Island! JULY 23, 2005 Fred Sez, time to open the ol' Hembeck.com mailbag!,,, JULY 22, 2005 Fred Sez, Musical Chairs is one game people like to play, Musical Misinformation is another... JULY 21, 2005 Fred Sez, I've heard of roasting in a sweatshirt, but THIS is ridiculous!... JULY 20, 2005 Fred Sez, the IGN links and more... JULY 19, 2005 Fred Sez, more sad news for comics folk... JULY 18, 2005 Fred Sez, do YOU know who "Brass Buttons" is? Click for the answer... JULY 17, 2005 Fred Sez, we've added new links! Whoopee... JULY 16, 2005 Fred Sez, 42 years ago, I adorned Dorne! (Huh? Well, go look!...) JULY 15, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a rare teaming of Lee, Kirby, Simek..and Hembeck?!?... JULY 14, 2005 Fred Sez, time to celebrate three times over!.. JULY 13, 2005 Fred Sez, if you ever wondered if the renowned EC science fiction artist would draw cheesecake, here's your answer: yup, Wally would! JULY 12, 2005 Fred Sez, here's the link to my FF movie review over at IGN... JULY 11, 2005 Fred Sez, shhh!... JULY 10, 2005 Fred Sez, it's a sad day for the comics world... JULY 9, 2005 Fred Sez, out of the mouth's of babes--and boobs!... JULY 8, 2005 Fred Sez, yesterday was not a good day... JULY 7, 2005 Fred Sez, it's birthday time again over at the Beatles Blog! JULY 6, 2005 Fred Sez,we have the weekly IGN link, and pictured, golf the Betty and Veronica way!.. JULY 5, 2005 Fred Sez, before there was gangsta rap, there were gangster movies--WAY before!... JULY 4, 2005 Fred Sez, Happy 229th, America!... JULY 3, 2005 Fred Sez, just another post on the site... JULY 2, 2005 Fred Sez, Wheat Chex, Corn Chex, Rice Chex--ANYTHING but Go-Go Checks!!.. JULY 1, 2005 Fred Sez, I've heard of "Previews of Coming Attractions", but THIS is ridiculous!?!... JUNE 30, 2005 Fred Sez, these Marvel and DC crossovers just get weirder and weirder... JUNE 29, 2005 Fred Sez, the IGN link, and more!... JUNE 28, 2005 Fred Sez, check out my comments on THE MAN OF TOMORROW--today! JUNE 27, 2005 Fred Sez, here's yer NYC interleague weekend recap... JUNE 26, 2005 Fred Sez, it's a sad day for dummies everywhere... JUNE 25, 2005 Fred Sez, not much... JUNE 24, 2005 Fred Sez, ever wonder who's reading this stuff? Lemme tell ya, the answer can be a bit on the amazing side at times... JUNE 23, 2005 Fred Sez, it's time to celebrate US!!.. JUNE 22, 2005 Fred Sez, Dot's all... JUNE 21, 2005 Fred Sez, the weekly IGN link and more!... JUNE 20, 2005 Fred Sez, time for some fun, fun, fun!... JUNE 19, 2005 Fred Sez, more kitty-cat comments... JUNE 18, 2005 Fred Sez, I'm in a bit of a rush, so just GO!... JUNE 17, 2005 Fred Sez, I HATE little pink creatures, and this one in particular!... JUNE 16, 2005 Fred Sez, belated birthday wishes to a cartooning legend, featuring a pair of personal favorite pieces by the artist in question.. JUNE 15, 2005 Fred Sez, time for the weekly IGN link--AND a lap dance?!?... JUNE 14, 2005 Fred Sez, not surprisingly, today we're a little bit Off The Wall, a little bit Bad, and a whole lot Invincible!... JUNE 13, 2005 Fred Sez, school's out--and for a guy in this vintage Atlas comic, it just might be forever!... JUNE 12, 2005 Fred Sez, truthfully, today's posting has a lot of Pizzazz!.. JUNE 11, 2005 Fred Sez, soccer to me! JUNE 10, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a "24" footnote, and a couple of worthy links to boot... JUNE 9, 2005 Fred Sez--Undercover Stooges? Hey, it COULDA happened, y'know... JUNE 8, 2005 Fred Sez, fresh Pedro-mania, and lingering Ringo-mania--it's all here!... JUNE 7, 2005 Fred Sez, the weekly IGN links--and more!... JUNE 6, 2005 Fred Sez, Sunday in the (Ball)Park with Fred. And Julie. And Courtney. And Good @#$%ing Charlotte!... JUNE 5, 2005 Fred Sez, here's 100 tips from Tony (and one from me--bring sun tan lotion!...) JUNE 4, 2005 Fred Sez, you can Count on this gag being predictable... JUNE 3, 2005 Fred Sez, here's the latest in musical trends--at least, around MY house... JUNE 2, 2005 Fred Sez--Lazarus, unmasked? The latest in the continuing saga... JUNE 1, 2005 Fred Sez, time for your weekly IGN link (or plug, if you prefer...) MAY 31, 2005 Fred Sez, got a new page for you... MAY 30, 2005 Fred Sez, a few panels from an EC classic captures the essence of the day.. MAY 29, 2005 Fred Sez, don'tcha just LOVE a surprise ending?... MAY 28, 2005 Fred Sez, with this ring, I thee...WEB?... MAY 27, 2005 Fred Sez, just call me Criswell! MAY 26, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a HOT topic!... MAY 25, 2005 Fred Sez, Holy IGN link, Batman! MAY 24, 2005 Fred Sez, the final Ka-chunk--for THIS year!... MAY 23, 2005 Fred Sez, subway series Cover-age, and a purloined piece... MAY 22, 2005 Fred Sez, an answer to a week old question, and some worthy links/plugs. MAY 21, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some new millenium art from daughter Julie. MAY 20, 2005 Fred Sez, time to spend a weekend with Wille and Joe... M AY 19, 2005 Fred Sez, farewell to the Riddler... MAY 18, 2005 Fred Sez, the weekly IGN link, with a bullet! MAY 17, 2005 Fred Sez, on "24", a little sex can be a dangerous thing! Hey, on "24", what ISN'T?.. MAY 16, 2004 Fred Sez, car troubles, date chuckles, SNL asides--we got it all for you today! MAY 15, 2005 Fred Sez, here's one of Jack's most delightful Jills!... MAY 14, 2005 Fred Sez, time to Rocco and roll, cake fans!... MAY13, 2005 Fred Sez, this one'll hook ya!.. MAY 12, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some more free comics online! Yeehah! MAY 11, 2005 Fred Sez, one more dose of Rockwell, and a link to my latest IGN column. MAY 10, 2005 Fred Sez, two numbers today--24 and 100. MAY 9, 2005 Fred Sez, it's mix-tastic! MAY 8, 2005 Fred Sez, let's hear it for the ladies! MAY 7,2005 Fred Sez, it's free, free, FREE!!! MAY 6, 2005 Fred Sez, new links a plenty! MAY 5, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some unexpected fashion tips!... MAY 4, 2005 Fred Sez, check this link out--it leads to a pretty nifty revelation!.. MAY 3, 2004 Fred Sez, when "24" suddenly turns into "er", you just know there's gonna be trouble... MAY 2, 2005 Fred Sez, time to wish an American Icon a Happy Ba-ba-ba-birthday!.. MAY 1, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a bargain no comics fan will want to pass up!... APRIL 30, 2005 Fred Sez, here's an exclusive peek into the future of one of today's biggest recording stars!... APRIL 29, 2005 Fred Sez, not much, true, but just enough to count as a posting... APRIL 28, 2005 Fred Sez, I am curious--Boltinoff?... APRIL 27, 2005 Fred Sez, it's time for another link-fest!... APRIL 26, 2005 Fred Sez, it's time for the weekly "24" update! APRIL 25, 2005 Fred Sez, Nancy sometimes works WITHOUT Sluggo, y'know... APRIL 24, 2005 Fred Sez, sometimes, you'll find comic strips in unexpected places--VERY unexpected places!... APRIL 23, 2005 Fred Sez, John Stanley went around the block a few times, y'know--eight, to be precise.. APRIL 22, 2005 Fred Sez, today, Orlando is in bloom!... APRIL 21, 2005 Fred Sez, a little Moolah, some Trapani, a spot story or two, and Beetle and Booster chewing the fat about the bullet--it's a potpourri, pals and gals! APRIL 20, 2005 Fred Sez, the Blue Beetle is dead--AGAIN!!... APRIL 19, 2005 Fred Sez, don't mark my word--but DO heed the word of Mark!!.. APRIL 18, 2005 Fred Sez, get ready for a Frank discussion!... APRIL 17, 2005 Fred Sez, "The Joy Of Six"--what's THAT mean? Go, and ye shall learn... APRIL 16, 2005 Fred Sez, hey--dig THIS gag! With, like, a shovel!.. APRIL 15, 2005 Fred Sez, Dennis the Menace visited The Mystery Spot--and all we got was this really cool comics story! APRIL 14, 2005 Fred Sez, who knew Murray wasn't the only groovy Boltinoff?... APRIL 13, 2005 Fred Sez, holy lame serial, Batman, THAT'S the topic of this week's IGN column! APRIL 12, 2005 Fred Sez, during the Silver Age, even the Turtles were Super... APRIL11, 2005 Fred Sez, the marathon is OVER!.. APRIL 10. 2005 Fred Sez, more "24", and a liittle Sin, too... APRIL 9, 2005 Fred Sez, the marathon continues... APRIL 8, 2005 Fred Sez, let the marathon begin!... APRIL 7, 2005 Fred Sez, Leon Larazrus lives! Naturally. APRIL 6, 2005 Fred Sez, time for a little background about this week's column over at the IGN Comics website. APRIL 5, 2005 Fred Sez, a few words on Opening Day, and a few on closing the books... APRIL 4, 2005 Fred Sez, I remember the day Mort "borrowed" from Julie!... APRIL 3, 2005 Fred Sez, was it "The Greatest Game Ever Pitched"? Ask Yogi--OR the Kingpin. They both had a unique vantage point for THIS one... APRIL 2, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a nice little trip down memory lane with Joltin' Joe!... APRIL 1, 2005 Fred Sez, HERE'S one for the alumni newsletter!... MARCH 31, 2005 Fred Sez, this guy's in love with... WHO? MARCH 30, 2005 Fred Sez, more on Andy from our readers, and a new entry over at the Beatles blog, as well! Busy day... MARCH 29, 2005 Fred Sez, IGN rerouting, week three! Plus, Andy addendum, a contest without shame, and the belated revelation that is...AUDREY MEADOWS?... MARCH 28, 2005 Fred Sez, if you want to learn about the Great Lost Andy Williams Pop Album, well, THIS is the place!... MARCH 27, 2005 Fred Sez, lets see you try hiding the eggs somewhere around THESE things!... MARCH 26, 2005 Fred Sez, is it MISERY in space? No--it's a Mad House!... MARCH 25, 2005 Fred Sez, here's for making over Old King Cole into Old Prez Cole!... MARCH 24, 2005 Fred Sez, THIS is what comes from accepting complimentary airline tickets from Buddy Holly!... MARCH 23, 2005 Fred Sez, I hear the Tom-Tom's echoing in the distance... MARCH 22, 2005 Fred Sez, time to go off site for your daily dose of Hembeck, and I'll be oh so happy to send you there!.. MARCH 21, 2005 Fred Sez, it's gonna be a Fantastic spring!... MARCH 20, 2005 Fred Sez, this is my Gore-iest entry ever! MARCH 19, 2005 Fred Sez--ta da! New Links! MARCH 18,2005 Fred Sez, today we have some exciting comics nudes--er, NEWS--from the past!... MARCH 17, 2005 Fred Sez, top o' the mornin' to ye lads and lasses--yup, it's THAT day again! Break out the Lucky Charms!... MARCH 16, 2005 Fred Sez, best birthday wishes to the world's oldest kid!.. MARCH 15, 2005 Fred Sez, for me, this qualifies as a big announcement!... MARCH 14, 2005 Fred Sez, here's another old "Dateline:@#$%!" strip. MARCH 13, 2005 Fred Sez, sometimes a Throne is MORE than a throne... MARCH 12, 2005 Fred Sez, thanks for the phalanges!... MARCH 11, 2005 Fred Sez, what works for Hugh Hefner doesn't work for everyone, and here's solid evidence of THAT truism.. MARCH 10, 2005 Fred Sez, I'm thrilled to the marrow to be able to throw the spotlight on Jim Aparo!.. MARCH 9, 2005 Fred Sez, whenever possible, comedy should start at home... MARCH 8, 2005 Fred Sez, today I offer my angle on Engel--and the details AREN'T sketchy! (And yet, they ARE--hmmm...) MARCH 7, 2005 Fred Sez, and the list of lists just keeps on growing... MARCH 6, 2005 Fred Sez, I'm still sick, but y'know, that reminds of ANOTHER time when I wasn't feeling so hot... MARCH 5, 2005 Fred Sez, more Links--and the untold story behind them! MARCH 4, 2005 Fred Sez, today, I make a short story long! So what else is new, huh?.. MARCH 3, 2005 Fred Sez, a horse is a horse, of course, of course, even if he keeps you out of bed--with your wife! Read on for more... MARCH 2, 2005 Fred Sez, no one ever called ME a wise man, but oddly enough, that never stopped me from talking ABOUT a Wiseman--and I'm at it again today!... MARCH 1, 2005 Fred Sez, let's talk FF--but NOT Ben Grimm and company, please understand... FEBRUARY 28, 2005 Fred Sez, here's yer Oscar recap! FEBRUARY 27, 2005 Fred Sez, more exclusive Marvel minutia--maybe the minutest EVER!! We're SO proud!... FEBRUARY 26, 2005 Fred Sez, sometimes, reading the NY Times at theTerminal Diner can give me indigestion--like today!... FEBRUARY 25, 2005 Fred Sez, today, we go with the flow--the ICE flow! FEBRUARY 24, 2005 Fred Sez, live from upstate New York, it's me, going on and on about Saturday Night Live!... FEBRUARY 23, 2005 Fred Sez, this one'll Bryne you up! And over in the Beatles Blog, guess who's getting a taste of--a butter pie?... FEBRUARY 22, 2005 Fred Sez, R.I.P., Uncle Duke... FEBRUARY 21, 2005 Fred Sez, cross a river in a boat standing up, chop down a cherry tree, erase 19 minutes of crucial evidence on a tape recording, but whatever you do, DON'T take a pistol with you to the theater--that's NOT the proper way to celebrate President's Day! FEBRUARY 20, 2005 Fred Sez, if you haven't got your ya-ya's out, now might be a good time.. FEBRUARY 19, 2005 Fred Sez, today we DON'T discuss Richard Moll, but who knows--he COULD be next, y'know?... FEBRUARY 18, 2005 Fred Sez, we get letters! FEBRUARY 17, 2005 Fred Sez, once again, we revisit those long-ago events up on that bridge--but THIS time, we have company!.. FEBRUARY 16, 2005 Fred Sez, now all of sudden I'm a Gotham City travel agent!?! Who'd a thot?.. FEBRUARY 15, 2005 Fred Sez, time to list the lists--and throw in a picture of John Belushi for good measure!... FEBRUARY 14,2005 Fred Sez, Happy--and sad--Valentine's Day, courtesy of your brokenhearted neighborhood Spider-Man.. FEBRUARY 13, 2005 Fred Sez, Spider-Man's got his hands filled in this "Dateline:@#$%!" strip one moment--and then he doesn't. Oops... FEBRUARY 12, 2005 Fred Sez, a three day focus on Spider-Man--aka lover boy--begins, a fitting alias for the webspinner, as this strip will readily prove... FEBRUARY 11, 2005 Fred Sez, numbers don't lie! Or wait--maybe they DO!?!. FEBRUARY 10, 2005 Fred Sez, we got us 19 new links, 2 new/old strips, and 199 cool things for you to ponder--and ONE bad thing for you to find! Go--ALL will be explained, I promise!.. FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Fred Sez, our latest "Dateline:@#$%!" strip is that old "Jeopardy" favorite, Potpourri! Enjoy, Roger!... FEBRUARY 8, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a few details about a little-known Eisner-Kurtzman pairing.. FEBRUARY 7, 2005 Fred Sez, their was only ONE true Super Star at the Super Bowl yeterday, and here's my take on his really big shoe! FEBRUARY 6, 2005 Fred Sez, and now, warming up in the BULLPEN, it's--ME!!.. FEBRUARY 5, 2005 Fred Sez, while it wasn't exactly my dinner with Andre, my lunch with Austin held its own share of special thrills!.. FEBRUARY 4, 2005 Fred Sez, it's not ALWAYS good to be the King, y'know... FEBRUARY 3, 2005 Fred Sez, the one thing this "Dateline:@#$%!" entry on pronunciation fails to explain is--HOW to pronounce "Dateline:@#$%!"!?!... FEBRUARY 2, 2005 Fred Sez, Heeeere's more about Johnny, from David (no--not THAT David!...). FEBRUARY 1, 2005 Fred Sez, take a trip off-site to find my latest drawing, friends. JANUARY 31, 2005 Fred Sez, I just go ape for holidays--particularily, THIS one!... JANUARY 30, 2005 Fred Sez, here's some art you've NEVER seen before, sung to a tune you've ALL heard before, year in and year out... JANUARY 29, 2005 Fred Sez, is THIS the article that ended the Marvel Age of Comics?... JANUARY 28, 2005 Fred Sez, here's the article that probably prompted The Spirit to return to life for a second time. JANUARY 27, 2005 Fred Sez, today's "Dateline:@#$%!" features The Rocketeer being grilled--but with a face like THAT, maybe HE is the grill! JANUARY 26, 2005 Fred Sez, time for a really, REALLY big birthday cake! JANUARY 25. 2005 Fred Sez, here's a rarely seen version of Bruce Wayne's other identity, and a link that may not be Brave, but is most certainly Bold... JANUARY 24, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a few words about the late King Of Late Night TV... JANUARY 23, 2005 Fred Sez, we have a brand new piece in our "More" section, featuring some of the flashiest, most menacing gag cartoons of 1947--and if that's not good enough for you, it should be Boltinoff, anyway!(...it's late...) JANUARY 22, 2005 Fred Sez, today's "Dateline:@#$%!" entry takes conspiracy theories to new and...bizarre extremes. Me am not kidding! JANUARY 21, 2005 Fred Sez, what was lost is found, what was small is big, what was porous is--gay? Huh? Better check on THAT one... JANUARY 20, 2005 Fred Sez, today is a day for history--and for REALLY old books from my past!... JANUARY 19, 2005 Fred Sez, I've got the red, white and blues, and it's only natural, as you'll discover after reading today's blast from "Dateline:@#$%!"s past... JANUARY 18, 2005 Fred Sez, cat got my tongue? Well, no, not exactly--but the links DO go to the dog!.. JANUARY 17, 2005 Fred Sez, monsters meet superheroes in both today's "Dateline:@#$%!" AND in today's bonus link! What're the odds, I ask you?... JANUARY 16, 2005 Fred Sez, no, you're NOT dreaming--I've put up a NEW Classic Cover Redo! And there's a Sandman on site--but WHICH Sandman?... JANUARY 15, 2005 Fred Sez, a grand tradition started way back when with this seminal Dateline:@#$%!--one that's continued on to this very day by a new generation of wiseguys, as the appended links will prove... JANUARY 14, 2005 Fred Sez, today's Dateline:@#$%! ranges all the way from the celestrial heights of the Rock of Eternity on over to the down-home charm of Mayberry RFD!! JANUARY 13, 2005 Fred Sez, cartoonists, fists a-blazing, run rampant through today's Dateline:@#$%!, as well as the link de jour! Battling Brushmen--what a concept!!.. JANUARY 12, 2005 Fred Sez, wacky anecdotes from Hembeck-past not only turn up in today's Dateline:@#$%! selection, but a wacky anecdote of Hembeck-present actually occurs during the choosing of this day's featured link!? How's THAT for excitement, huh, folks?... JANUARY 11, 2005 Fred Sez, today's Dateline:@#$%!--AND our link--are just plain FANTASTIC!!... JANUARY 10, 2005 Fred Sez, our Dateline:@#$%! series fast-forwards to 1998, but today's topic may seem sorta familiar--and after you visit our link de jour, it might even come across as downright repetitve! But, in a GOOD way, of course... JANUARY 9, 2005 Fred Sez, our five-part Dateline:@#$%! epic comes to a bloody end--and we provide all you Alan Moore fans with a link sure to bum you right out! Oh, happy day, huh?.. JANUARY 8, 2004 Fred Sez, it's a very special day for a very special fella--AND there's a tribute strip involved, too! JANUARY 7, 2005 Fred Sez, watch for the dramatic unmasking in THIS Dateline:@#$%! strip--and then check out the daily bonus link!... JANUARY 6, 2005 Fred Sez, this Dateline:@#$%! entry isn't odd, it isn't peculiar, but it sure is Strange... JANUARY 5, 2005 Fred Sez, here's a few of my own personal memories concerning the sadly departed legendary cartoonist Will Eisner.. JANUARY 4, 2005 Fred Sez, are cartoon characters REALLY the best commercial spokesmen? Plus, we interview one of the few funny book females who regularily wore transparent clothing in this vintage Dateline:@#$%! entry.. JANUARY 3, 2005 Fred Sez, there are gonna be some changes made--but ask the She-Hulk (subject of this Dateline:@#$%! interview) if SHE cares overmuch!.. JANUARY 2, 2005 Fred Sez, for more Beatlemania satire, here's a small gem I recently uncovered... JANUARY 1, 2005 Fred Sez, Happy 2005! DECEMBER 31, 2004 Fred Sez, well, I suppose this is what we get for "Freedom Fries", huh? (Plus, a dozen new Links) DECEMBER 30, 2004 Fred Sez, hey kids! Comics! About kids! That adults will love! Kids, too! DECEMBER 29, 2004 Fred Sez, today's entry will blog the mind!.. DECEMBER 28, 2004 Fred Sez, get out the candles and cake, Marvelites, cuz today's a VERY special day!.. DECEMBER 27, 2004 Fred Sez, back in 1968, even Martin Goodman was feelin' GROOVY!... DECEMBER 26, 2004 Fred Sez,just remember, this entry could always have been, far, FAR worse!... DECEMBER 25, 2004 Fred Sez, Merry Giftmas!... DECEMBER 24, 2004 Fred Sez, who better to help celebrate the birth of the King Of Kings than the King himself?.. DECEMBER 23, 2004 Fred Sez, head's up, gang--it's time for this year's special Christmas treat, so go and find out what it is! DECEMBER 22, 2004 Fred Sez, when is a Christmas song NOT a Christmas song? Answer: when you can sing it with a leer... DECEMBER 21, 2004 Fred Sez, I got me a message, and I'm telling every Tom, Dick, and Harry! So far, Tom's covered--now, anybody know a Dick and a Harry with blogs that I can contact?... DECEMBER 20, 2004 Fred Sez, usually, Christmas in Riverdale tends to lean towards the traditional side, but as always, there are...exceptions... DECEMBER 19, 2004 Fred Sez, if I'm in the basement, sorting comics when a tree falls over, will I hear it? No--but if it's our Christmas tree, I'll sure enough hear ABOUT it, you bet.. DECEMBER 18, 2004 Fred Sez, "Oh, Pretty Woman", YES! Oh, "Pretty Paper", no... DECEMBER 17, 2004 Fred Sez, conquering the "Curse Of The Bambino" was a cakewalk compared to taking on the "Curse Of Signing With The Mets And Watching Your Career Take A Sudden, Unexpected Nosedive", so, good luck, Pedro!.. DECEMBER 16, 2004 Fred Sez, finally something we can ALL cheer about!.. DECEMBER 15, 2004 Fred Sez, NOW they want me in the AARP, but once, long ago, there was ANOTHER organization whose initials I found far, far more desirable... DECEMBER 14, 2004 Fred Sez, while he may not've had much success helping sell the Chef of the Future, around the very same time, he was unknowingly inventing the Music of the Future!... DECEMBER 13, 2004 Fred Sez, geez, talk about your holiday tunes being Ho-ho-hopeless... DECEMBER 12, 2004 Fred Sez, here's some new Links--AND a money saving opportunity! Don't miss it! DECEMBER 11, 2004 Fred Sez, when it comes to holiday tunes, I'll admit it--I'm Ho-ho-hopeless!... DECEMBER 10, 2004 Fred Sez, who do you suppose inked Jack Kirby the LEAST during the sixties? You'll probably be reasonably familiar with the name... DECEMBER 9, 2004 Fred Sez, most restaurants have a Fire Lane--but THIS one has a LOIS Lane!... DECEMBER 8, 2004 Fred Sez, Marvel Legends! Japanese art! Photos galore! AND yet another mention of that cute li'l yellow fellow--well, WHAT'S keeping you? GO! DECEMBER 7, 2004 Fred Sez, today's entry proves once and for all that yours truly is a card!.. DECEMBER 6, 2004 Fred Sez, sadly, it's time to bid farewll to yet another long-time vet of the comics biz... DECEMBER 5, 2004 Fred Sez, go to the Beatles Blog not for number nine but instead for number five (number five, number five, number five..) DECEMBER 4, 2004 Fred Sez, which one do you suppose takes on the Mrs. Peel persona, I wonder?... DECEMBER 3, 2004 Fred Sez, call the Smithsonian--I finally found that drawing that I keep telling you about! (...and telling you, and telling you, AND telling you!...) DECEMBER 2, 2004 Fred Sez, his name wasn't Johnny, but in most other ways, he WAS DC... DECEMBER 1, 2004 Fred Sez, after a month of primarily presidential ramblings, we open December by focusing on The King! Hah--how's THAT for a transition, huh?.. NOVEMBER 30, 2004 Fred Sez, if THIS is our future, it may soon be time to Bail On The Chief!?!.. NOVEMBER 29, 2004 Fred Sez, to this day, merely saying "Oo! Oo!" can always break me up! And THAT'S just the tip of the proverbial iceberg... NOVEMBER 28, 2004 Fred Sez, he may live in a pineapple under the sea, but obviously, his musical tastes range on up to the surf-splashed beaches above.. NOVEMBER 27, 2004 Fred Sez, yet more on an ever Tricky subject... NOVEMBER 26, 2004 Fred Sez, today's topic concerns the jailing of a very DIFFERENT joker--not that there's anything wrong with that... NOVEMBER 25, 2004 Fred Sez, Happy Turkey Day, Pilgrims! NOVEMBER 24, 2004 Fred Sez, they don't call me "Sir Links A Lot" for nothin', y''know!.. NOVEMBER 23, 2004 Fred Sez, he's BAAAAAACK--and as tricky as ever!... NOVEMBER 22, 2004 Fred Sez, it's late, friends--just go to today's entry, and you'll be directed to all the other necessary links. Ask not what I can do for you, but, well--YOU know... NOVEMBER 21, 2004 Fred Sez, who lives in a pineapple under the sea--AND, as of this weekend, in the nation's multiplexes, as well? Who do you THINK, hmmm?... NOVEMBER 20, 2004 Fred Sez, it's a Brady world--and I AIN'T talkin' the bunch! NOVEMBER 19, 2004 Fred Sez, usually I try to avoid paper cuts, but not if they sport a "Z"! (Huh? Just go read...) NOVEMBER 18, 2004 Fred Sez, comes a time when I write about something ELSE besides comics--and I almost made it with this entry. Almost. NOVEMBER 17, 2004 Fred Sez, make room for...Buddy Sorell? Yup, the crossover you never knew about really happened, and the gag-writer wasn't the ONLY thing Danny Thomas "borrowed" from the legendary Van Dyke sitcom... NOVEMBER 16, 2004 A short--and maybe a little sour--note hit over in our Beatles Blog, regarding a Capitol idea.. NOVEMBER 15, 2004 Fred Sez, today, ladies and gents, we offer you some brand new, never before seen Classic Cover Redos in our soon-to-be thriving Sales Section (I can only hope...)! NOVEMBER 14, 2004 Fred Sez, Sunday is Punday here at Hembeck.com--and this enrty'll no doubt prove it!.. NOVEMBER 13, 2004 Fred Sez, 89 new Comic Art Links--that enough for now, ya think? NOVEMBER 12, 2004 Fred Sez, we got LOTS of new stuff about Lee and Ditko for you today, and this entry'll give you a portal to ALL of it! (...don'tcha just LOVE links?...) NOVEMBER 11, 2004 Fred Sez, we salute our brave veterans today!.. NOVEMBER 10, 2004 Fred Sez, MORE politics--only this time, they're found in the pages of a nearly 35 year old comic book!! NOVEMBER 9, 2004 Fred Sez, remember Woodward and Bernstein? Well, here's the 2004 version--and boy, do we ever need him now!... NOVEMBER 8, 2004 Fred Sez,, from now on, I'm gonna have Julie call me "MR. Fred"!... NOVEMBER 7, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a version of the Man of Steel you may not've seen before... NOVEMBER 6, 2004 Fred Sez, a big buncha pizza pies--now THAT'S a more-ay!.. NOVEMBER 5, 2004 Fred Sez, sometimes the Best Buy AIN'T--and all the details turn up in a penny-pinching Beatles Blog entry NOVEMBER 4, 2004 Fred Sez, a few, hopefully final, words on the events of the past several days NOVEMBER 3, 2004 Fred Sez, one word, one long, mournful wail of a word... NOVEMBER 2, 2004 Fred Sez, Dennis MAY be a Menace, but he is also capable of showing, ahem, impeccable taste!.. NOVEMBER 1, 2004 Fred Sez, here's hoping the country gets Kerry-ed away tomorrow night!.. OCTOBER 31, 2004 Fred Sez EXACTLY what you'd expect me to say: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!.. OCTOBER 30, 2004 Fred Sez, here's s tip on some appropriate reading for tomorrow.. OCTOBER 29, 2004 Fred Sez, a happy Halloween picture points you over to a harrowing Halloween tale in the Life Story section.. OCTOBER 28, 2004 Fred Sez, so selling the Babe was a mistake--we get that. Glad it's all FINALLY behind us... OCTOBER 27, 2004 Fred Sez, tomb it may concern!... OCTOBER 26, 2004 Fred Sez, THIS is one ghost I can't bear--or is that "bare"?... OCTOBER 25, 2004 Fred Sez, all of a sudden the Presidential election is getting...spooky?... OCTOBER 24. 2004 Fred Sez, with the end of October just around the corner, here's an instance where the kid truly WAS a menace!.. OCTOBER 23, 2004 Fred Sez, here are some of the sights--AND sounds--of the season! OCTOBER 22, 2004 Fred Sez, you might want to call this one, "Take the Funnies And Run". Or maybe not.. OCTOBER 21, 2004 Fred Sez, now here's a WELCOME October surprise!... OCTOBER 17, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a few personal reflections on one of the more unsung heroes of the Caped Crusader's canon. OCTOBER 16, 2004 Fred Sez, if you don't think Don Rickles is dreamy, well, you probably still won't after you read this, but take a look anyway, okay?... OCTOBER 15, 2004 Fred Sez, the saga of the Wappingers water torture comes to an end, finally... OCTOBER 12, 2004 Fred Sez, sometimes it seems like we're plumb out of luck--or was that, "plumber out of luck"?... OCTOBER 11, 2004 Fred Sez, it's another sad day, as the universe has lost a true hero.. OCTOBER 9, 2004 It's a very special day for Fab fans, and we mark it briefly over on our Beatles Blog. OCTOBER 6, 2004 Fred Sez, finally, some respect for those no longer with us... OCTOBER 5, 2004 Fred Sez, let's "Smile" one more time, shall we, hmm?... OCTOBER 4, 2004 Fred Sez, Franco-ly, I have a real zeal for Zeile! OCTOBER 2, 2004 Fred Sez, that was no lady--that was a Blackhawk!.. OCTOBER 1, 2004 Fred Sez, it sure was a long wait--but was it worth it? Here's MY two cents... SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 Fred Sez, not everyone's channeling the debate, y'know!... SEPTEMBER 28, 2004 Fred Sez, y'know,maybe hiring that little Dutch boy would be cheaper in the long run?... SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 Fred Sez, a half century later, "Hi Ho Steverino!" sounds as good as it ever did!.. SEPTEMBER 26, 2004 Fred Sez, an impressive actors resume just got that much more impressive!... SEPTEMBER 24, 2004 Fred Sez, today, we offer up a Classic Cover Redo of the original "Empire Strikes Back" movie poster--and more than a derth about me and Darth!... SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 Fred Sez, break out the candles for an All Star celebration!.. SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 Fred Sez, I'm swooning for June!! (...and I added 3 more links, inadvertantly overlooked in yesterday's frenzy--can you find which ones they are, hmm?...) SEPTEMBER 19, 2004 Fred Sez,most everything but the Kitchen Sinks can be found in my new collection of Links!.. SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 Fred Sez, hold on for a holding action... SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a few words about a somber anniversary... SEPTEMBER 8, 2004 Fred Sez, we all know that Serutan spelled backwards is "natures"--but what's "S.Ditko" in reverse? You'd be surprised--I know I was!.. SEPTEMBER 6, 2004 Fred Sez, just as you know it's Groundhog's Day when little Pete peeks his head out, you know it's Labor Day when you hear Ed McMahon call for a tote!... SEPTEMBER 3, 2004 Fred Sez, time to wrap the summer up and put a bow on it... SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 Fred Sez, the parallels aren't sweet as candy when we find Clark behind bars!... AUGUST 29, 2004 Fred Sez, this is one time hallelujah shouldn't accompany the word "Gloria"... AUGUST 27, 2004 Fred Sez, the other night, the phrase "net worth" took on a whole 'NOTHER meaning!?!... AUGUST 26, 2004 Fred Sez, just try and imagine what the menus must be like!?!... AUGUST 25, 2004 Fred Sez, pass the matches--I got me some candles to light!... AUGUST 21, 2004 Fred Sez, as wonderful as it truly was, there WERE times when it should've been called "The Dumb Patrol"!... AUGUST 19, 2004 Fred Sez, who watches the Watchmen? Well, beats me, but I know who reviews the reviewer--ME!... AUGUST 18, 2004 Fred Sez, and now, back to our regularly scheduled weblog... AUGUST 17, 2004 Fred Sez, comics royalty is all over the place!... AUGUST 10, 2004 Fred Sez, t'wasn't the ape that killed the beauty, twas old, old age... AUGUST 8, 2004 Fred Sez, check out the latest addtion to our "Life Story" section for a sixties flashback--today!!.. AUGUST 5, 2004 Fred Sez, there's not joy in Metville--and THIS time, it's not the team's fault... AUGUST 2, 2004 Fred Sez, what'd I ever do to AL Capp to deserve THIS??.. JULY 30, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a dozen new Comic Art Links--as well as the story behind several of them... JULY 29, 2004 Fred Sez, here's the full scoop--and the Classic Cover Redo--of FLASH#122. JULY 27, 2004 Fred Sez, the world's fastest man may not always have been the swiftest on the uptake--but then, neither have I, for that matter... JULY 26, 2004 Fred Sez, let me introduce you to my brand spankin' new Comedy Links page, and folks, the laffs are on me!... JULY 23, 2004 Fred Sez, voices from the past are spotlighted over in my Beatles Blog, but not without some interesting comics connections along for the ride... JULY 21, 2004 Fred Sez, Spider-Man may be a Marvel hero, but this examination of his second movie is hardly, um, Timely... JULY 18, 2004 Fred Sez, welcome to my holding pattern... JULY 14, 2004 Fred Sez, for me, it's tough NOT to lose my head on this day each year, and here's why... JULY 10, 2004 Over in the Beatles Blog, we celebrate at ticket to watch, forty years later!.. JULY 9, 2004 Fred Sez, the halls of academia sure ain't what they used to be--or are they?... JULY 8, 2004 The tune may be "Yesterday", but the Beatle in question is Ringo, not Paul--and if you check my Beatles Blog, you'll find out why!... JULY 6, 2004 Fred Sez, I've added 16 new links, most of which were ripped off--so here's my shamefaced confession... JULY 5, 2004 Fred Sez, belated felicitations to an American Icon! (...or more simply put, "Nyahh, nyahh!"...) JULY 4, 2004 Fred Sez, this time I gave Reuben the day off and brought in the real deal! Happy Holidays everyone! And may you all be blessed with the same amount of fingers that you greeted this Independence Day with when you go to bed tonight!... JULY 3, 2004 Fred Sez, it's not true that the late Marlon Brando once said to Larry King, "I coulda worn your suspenders!", but here's a few words concerning the Wild One anyway... JULY 2, 2004 Fred Sez, soccer season's finally over--and as Dino once said, ain't THAT a kick in the head?... JULY 1, 2004 Fred Sez, meet the Children of the Darned!... JUNE 29, 2004 Fred Sez, sometimes the comics meet the comics--and here's the photo to prove it!.. JUNE 27, 2004 Fred Sez, I really got the ol' MOJO working the other day--and the full story can be found over on the Beatles Blog! Yeah, yeah, yeah! JUNE 25, 2004 Fred Sez, computer woes--that's the short of it... JUNE 23, 2004 Fred Sez, after a quarter century, I hope you can all indulge me this special commemoration... JUNE 22, 2004 Fred Sez, while I've never actually had Prince Albert in a can, for a long, long time now, I've had STEVE Albert on my mind--and here's WHY... JUNE 21, 2004 Fred Sez, a year-old mystery--or was that forty years?--now solved! Or, is it?... JUNE 20, 2004 Fred Sez, THIS time I got it right!... JUNE 18, 2004 Fred Sez, here's one dance that won't be at the mercy of the Mersey Beat, and here's a few words about one of the lads who originated it... JUNE 17, 2004 Fred Sez, busy time around here for the Hembecks, so why not go check out the latest additions to the Best of Dateline:@#$% area 'til things ease up a bit? JUNE 14, 2004 Fred Sez, today we have a special salute!... JUNE 13, 2004 Fred Sez, dad's everywhere, have an El of a day! Just hope things don't (...heh...) BLOW UP on you!?!... JUNE 11, 2004 Fred Sez, here's what I'D say about a true musical legend... JUNE 10, 2004 Fred Sez, Who's on tour? Well, no, they're not--but go on over to the Beatles blog to find out what new treats Macca has in store for his European audiences!... JUNE 9, 2004 Fred Sez, I've had THESE blues since 1988, and now I'm gonna share 'em with YOU, you lucky people, you!!... JUNE 8, 2004 Fred Sez, I CAN be short, if not always particularly sweet... JUNE 7, 2004 Fred Sez, the secret behind that F.F. panel wasn't much of a secret at all, but it WAS fun to go back and look at it one more time, wasn't it? And while you're at it, go look at the latest thing that--who? Yup, Freddy Drewit!! JUNE 5, 2004 Fred Sez, forget that overhyped horse race--here's the REAL sports story of the day!... JUNE 4, 2004 Fred Sez, can YOU tell me the significence of this panel from the halcyon days of Marvel Comics?.. JUNE 3, 2004 Fred Sez, some clarifications on my "24" ruminations, and some reminiscences from Jim Salicrup regarding THAT Stan Lee painting and its FOOM debut!... JUNE 2, 2004 Fred Sez, it's time for a seventies-era anecdote--AND one swell portrait painting!.. JUNE 1, 2004 Fred Sez, just because it's my favorite show doesn't mean I can't, um, tear it to shreds, y'know? I STILL love "24"... MAY 31, 2004 Fred Sez, today, we provide you with some background information regarding our special Memorial Day entry in our "Stuff I Had Nothing To Do With" sub-section of our More area--got that? MAY 30, 2004 Fred Sez, you may've heard of the naked truth, but now get ready for the naked FALSE!!... MAY 27, 2004 Fred Sez, best I can tell, our erstwhile Dark Sider's got that heavy breathing problem of his licked. Hey, he sounded just fine last night!?!... MAY 26, 2004 Fred Sez, whether Mel, Fred, or even when dealing with pod people, he always offered a deacon of hope... MAY 25, 2004 Fred Sez, Felix and Oscar, Rob and Laura, Frasier and Niles, Angel and Spike--I'll take TV couples for $500, Alex!!... MAY 24, 2004 Fred Sez, let's hope that the OTHER boys who follow Julie home aren't nearly as stoned as these fellows! Plus, two classic strips have been added to the Best Of Dateline:@#$! area, and 8 new Comic Art links added as well (with the ** left in black to differentiate them from last week's new additions) MAY 22, 2004 Fred Sez, everyone should have a goal in life--and my most immediate one is not to let so many in!!... MAY 20, 2004 Fred Sez, let's take a close look at those vaunted masked marvels--THE FANTASTIC FOUR?? Huh? Read the details and then check how Freddy Drewit right after... MAY 19, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a slightly odd rememberence of one of the Odd Couple... MAY 18, 2004 Fred Sez, go take a peek at my Beatles Blog for a look at a time when Lennon apparently thought he was Lenin!.. MAY 17, 2004 Fred Sez, here's some info about four new sites some of my friends have recently put up--and, oh yeah, just for good measure, there's an additional 19 new (**) Comic Art Links for you to absorb as well! MAY 16, 2004 Fred Sez, sometimes you can have your parade rained upon without a single cloud appearing anywhere in the sky... MAY 14, 2004 Fred Sez, years and years ago, I met comics scribe L.B. Kellogg at one of those justly celebrated Wrightson Halloween bashes, but even though logic dictates that it should've, his name doesn't come up anywhere in today's entry. So I put it here. (...you'll understand after you read it, so go already!...) MAY 13, 2004 Ever wonder what they're teaching eighth-graders about Star Trek, Elvis, MAD magazine, and The Beatles these days? All the answers you need can be found over in my Beatles Blog... MAY 11, 2004 Over on my Beatles Blog, news of an extensive listing of not only Fab Four comic book appearances, but Bizarro ones as well!?!!... MAY 10, 2004 Freddy Drewit--and that's the only explanation there is!... MAY 9, 2004 Fred Sez, today, I'm NOT talking about Shaft (Watch your mouth!)... MAY 8, 2004 Fleet of foot, bright of garment, striking of motif--and Freddy Drewit! MAY 7, 2004 Fred Sez, even Flash Thompson might find THIS situation unsportsmanlike!... MAY 6, 2004 Whoizzit? Dunno, but Freddy Drewit! MAY 5, 2004 Fred Sez, the BIG question is, "What is life?" The small question--MY question--is "What is live?" (And Happy Cinco De Mayo to all you folks out there who celebrate the annual Hellman's day!...) MAY 3, 2004 As promised, I've added a lucky 13 new Comic Art Links (all marked with a **): 1 cartoonist site, 1 animation site, 2 sites featuring rare and obscure comics stories, 1 commissioned art site, and 8 bloggers--take a look! MAY 2, 2004 Fred Sez, I'm back!--sorta... APRIL 30, 2004 Dining, dancing, and Ditko equals...love? Freddy Drewit--honest! APRIL 29, 2004 Got the red, white, and blues? Freddy Drewit waves the flag today... APRIL 28, 2004 It's carrot-topped teen day, both over at Freddy Drewit, and in an unpublished sketchbook piece located in the Best of Dateline:@#$! section... APRIL 25, 2004 Meet the Boxheads--and Freddy Drewit! APRIL 24, 2004 Our ever expanding site grows even larger as we launch a seperate Beatles Blog, semi-cleverly entitled Why Don't We Blog It On The Net?, with our first entry featuring some insightful recollections of Ringo's various All-Starr tours from none other than Marvel Comics' legendary Jim Salicrup!! APRIL 23, 2004 Cross Simon & Kirby with Astaire & Rogers, and, well--Freddy Drewit! APRIL 22, 2004 Cats, bats, capes, and leather--Freddy Drewit! APRIL 21, 2004 Fred Sez, according to Jim, I've been shirking my blog duties!?!... APRIL 20, 2004 Two new additions to the Best of Dateline:@#$%! section, one of which has NEVER been seen anywhere before, and the other featuring cute girls in tight swimsuits! How can you possibly go wrong, I ask you?... APRIL 19, 2004 Freddy Drewit all right--over a quarter of a century ago!! Take a peek if you're interested in checking out his privates (and even if you AREN'T!...) APRIL 18, 2004 Why is Electro dejecto? Freddy Drewit! And Fred Sez, today's youth avoid goals--at least, the ones I know do!... APRIL 17, 2004 Freddy Drewit--that much is true--but 'twas Lynn who colored it, all on her very own! Nice job--and my regards to your inspiration, good ol' Roy G. Biv!... APRIL 16, 2004 Over in our More section, we offer you a series of 20 Mock Covers (with a suitable introduction, natch), salvaged from a 1997 sketchbook of mine! Quite the thrill, eh? APRIL 15, 2004 Fred Sez, ("Fred Sez!") okay, I'll admit that I have some biases ("Have some biases!"), but come on people, who doesn't? ("Who doesn't? Wah-HOOO!!!....") APRIL 14, 2004 Sometimes, even in the comics, love is color-blind--and Freddy Drewit... APRIL 13, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a few choice tidbits about life around Casa Hembeck that DOESN'T involve funny books! Try and stay awake--there may be a quiz!... APRIL 12, 2004 You may think this illo is all wet, but remember, Freddy Drewit!...(glub glub) APRIL 11, 2004 Fred Sez, it's a holiday SO big, I felt the need to call in a true cartooning legend to help me celebrate it!!... APRIL 8, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a link over to an unusual new Life Story offering, one that marks TWO memorable events that took place exactly 30 years ago today!... APRIL 7, 2004 There's a new picture to take a look at, and Freddy Drewit... APRIL 6, 2004 Fred Sez, PLAY BALL!!--but ALWAYS have a Marvel Comic neaby, preferably one by Stan, Jack, and Chic!!... APRIL 4, 2004 Fred Sez, like a bolt of lightning, we introduce to you a new area of Hembeck.com--Freddy Drewit! APRIL 1, 2004 Fred Sez, okay, I fully realize what the date is, but you still might want to go check out what I have for you today, dig?... MARCH 31, 2004 Something very strange indeed happened 43 years ago tonight on this very date, which is the subject of a brand new profusely--and peculiarly--illustrated retrospective over in our Words About Pictures section--and that, friends, is NO boo boo!! MARCH 30, 2004 Two new additions to our Best of Dateline:@#$%! page today... MARCH 29, 2004 The first new Fab CD to be released since we instituted our Beatles Page, Ringo Starr & His All-Starr Band Live 2003, has now been reviewed! Hey, I was only acting naturally!... MARCH 28, 2004 Fred Sez, sad to say, that little trip around Dead Man's Curve FINALLY proved to be a musical legend's undoing--but not before he and his partner had their chance to page homage to a giant of comedy. I'll explain... MARCH 27, 2004 Fred Sez, get ready for an outing--and I don't mean a picnic, people!!... MARCH 26, 2004 The latest addition to our More section is a series of single panel gag cartoons concerning the hefty yocks to be had from comic collecting that I did for COMICS SCENE magazine way back in 1982! MARCH 25, 2004 Today's Best Of Dateline:@#$%! entry is best viewed with just a touch of the ol' jumpin' jive playing in the background, dig me, hep cats?... MARCH 24, 2004 Fred Sez, you wanna see cute? HAH! I can do better than THAT--I'll show you SUPER-cute!!... MARCH 23, 2004 Over on our Beatles Page, we offer an in-depth review of the recently released "The Beatles with Tony Sheridan" DVD, as well as our own particular history with Mr.Sheridan's star-crossed recording of "My Bonnie"... MARCH 22, 2004 Fred Sez, the ORIGINAL Carrot-top didn't need a bag of tricks to entertain, just some top-flight artistic guidance... MARCH 21, 2004 Eight new Comic Art Links: two creators, one publisher, one blogger, one blogger update site, and three web comix sites; and over at Beatles Links, the wait is FINALLY over--yes, the Official Tony Sheridan site is up!! MARCH 20, 2004 Fred Sez, seasonal salutations from the sick and the menacing! MARCH 19, 2004 Fred Sez, there are a thousand reasons why you should be elsewhere, but we've posted two new Dateline:@#$%! strips in an effort to keep you here!... MARCH 18, 2004 Fred Sez, WHO'S on the cover of the new UNCUT magazine? That's right--and just "Smile" to get your MOJO working, dudes and dudettes!... MARCH 17, 2004 Fred Sez, top o' the mornin' to ye, all ye Lightnin' Lads and Lassies!... MARCH 16, 2004 Fred Sez, anybody for a coffee break, Danny Thomas-style?... MARCH 15, 2004 Fred Sez, talk about your March madness!?!... MARCH 14, 2004 Fred Sez, y'know, considering she grew up living under a bubble while hurtling through space on a chunk of rock, Kal's cuz grew up pretty darn nicely!... MARCH 13, 2004 Over on our Beatles Page, we've posted an essay about early Beatlemania Satire, and have included several full-length examples that should be of interest to both music AND comics fans! MARCH 12, 2004 Two new pages added to our Best of Dateline:@#$%! section, 1 new Beatles link (some very evocative memories from a woman my age who went on to be a professional romance novelist--take a look!), and 4 new Comic Art links--1 reference, 1 cover gallery, 1 blogger, and 1 silly site--stolen, this time around, from Mark Evanier and Neilalien! Thanks, fellas! MARCH 11, 2004 Fred Sez, the Superstars of tomorrow--discovered today, at this very web-site!? Who'd a thot?... MARCH 10, 2004 Fred Sez, who did Neal Adams once draw for a proposed book cover? In the immortal words of Bud Abbott, "That's right!"... MARCH 9, 2004 Fred Sez, for all you long-time readers, here's some fitting PUN-ishment!... MARCH 8, 2004 Fred Sez, when I was a kid, I was MAD about Superman--and vice versa! MARCH 7, 2004 Fred Sez, y'know, I always thought Archie should've had his head examined for continually picking Veronica over Betty, but THIS isn't quite what I had in mind!... March 6, 2004 I'm happy just to post our first fresh entry onto our week-old Beatles Page, a review of a 40th Anniversary Fabs magazine I found at my local supermarket! (Inauspicious, I know, but ya gotta start SOMEWHERE!?!...) MARCH 5, 2004 Fred Sez, anybody who can remember far enough back to when Stan wrote "Monsters To Laugh With" may enjoy this new web-site, one you might just as well call "Monsters To Reminisce With"... MARCH 4, 2004 Two new additions to our Best of Dateline:@#$% section, 1 new Beatles Link, and 7 new Comic Art Links--4 creators, 1 character, 1 blog, and 1 sorta wacky site! (Thanks go out to David Allen Jones and Laura Gjovaag, among others, for letting me shamelessly steal some of these links!!...) March 3, 2004 Fred Sez, sing it with me--Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can--AND a frisky dog, too, as it turns out!?!... MARCH 2, 2004 Fred Sez, they'd never let THIS kind of reporting get by at The Daily Planet!... MARCH 1, 2004 Fred Sez, I'd like to make my feelings about last night's Oscarcast clear--Crystal clear!... FEBRUARY 29, 2004 Fred Sez, I don't want to spoil the birthday party, so let's go!.. FEBRUARY 28, 2004 Fred Sez, things are getting undeniably hairy around here as we launch our new Beatles Page! FEBRUARY 27, 2004 Fred Sez, Beatles month may indeed be winding down, but not before you get to enjoy a Classic Cover Redo of Dell's 1964 BEATLES LIFE STORY, with additional commentary discussing this swell Joe Sinnott illustrated extravaganza! FEBRUARY 26, 2004 Fred Sez, all things considered, I'm surprised they just didn't plead Diplomatic immunity and call it "Meat The Beetles"!?!... FEBRUARY 25, 2004 Fred Sez, the lad may've been a Dark Horse, but on his birthday, he always preferred a cake of Dark Chocolate!... FEBRUARY 24, 2004 Fred Sez, there's a new 1964 DVD being released today--but it might not be what you think!... FEBRUARY 23, 2004 Fred Sez, maybe just this once, Fernando could've used the word "Fahhhb-ulous"?... FEBRUARY 22, 2004 Fred Sez, years later, they began calling George the Quiet Beatle, but after that first Sullivan show, the tag seemed to fit John better--unfortunately... FEBRUARY 21, 2004 Fred Sez, today's entry is dedicated to E. Nelson Beatwell! (And that's about as obscure a reference for a pun as we're likely to get around here, and that's going some!...) FEBRUARY 20, 2004 Fred Sez, today we deal with charity, vanity, nudity, and tin-pan alley! Yup, STILL talkin' Beatles.... FEBRUARY 19, 2004 Fred Sez, I read the news today, oh boy... FEBRUARY 18, 2004 Fred Sez, time to waltz down the music world's twisted and checkered past!... FEBRUARY 17, 2004 Fred Sez, in Brooklyn, they look up in the sky and wonder, "Is it a boid? Is it a plane?..." But in Liverpool, they KNOW--it's a Boyd... FEBRUARY 16, 2004 We've added 3 new Beatles Links and 8 new Comic Art Links! (2 cover sites, 1 full story area, 1 pro, 1 pal, 2 bloggers, and a great regular column by Marvel's own Tom Brevoort! Check 'em out!) FEBRUARY 16, 2004 Fred Sez, it's not nearly as long, long, long a trip from Blue Jay Way to the White House as you may think... FEBRUARY 15, 2004 Fred Sez, they may've called 'em the Fabs, but at least one of 'em was Gear, if only by blood!... FEBRUARY 14, 2004 Fred Sez, while it's true, love is all you need, sometimes, you need a little help from your friends! (Thanks, Lynn)... FEBRUARY 13, 2004 Fred Sez, this is my Best entry ever, for Pete's sake!... FEBRUARY 12, 2004 Fred Sez, while the Rolling Stones were famous for singing "Time Is On My Side", clearly, it was ANOTHER British beat group that had tomes on their side!... FEBRUARY 11, 2004 Fred Sez, back in 1968, THIS was the positively the MOST excitement found in the back seat of my car!?!... FEBRUARY 10, 2004 Fred Sez, when Mr. A met the Beas, luckily someone had a camera!... FEBRUARY 9, 2004 Fred Sez, it was forty years ago today that, well, ANY number of things happened! Careers were made, eggs were laid--all in a very big shoe!... FEBRUARY 8, 2004 Fred Sez, sadly, we lost a true comics legend today... FEBRUARY 8, 2004 Get ready for a rrrreally big listing as we post our second fab links page, consisting of (just to start with) 80 Beatles Links!! Like they say, yeah, yeah, yeah! Now you can FINALLY check up on what Pete Best's been doing all these years!... FEBRUARY 7, 2004 Hayley Mills, Al Jolson, Bobby Rydell--those are just some of the names dropped in our latest Life Story entry, "Meeting The Beatles! (Figuratively Speaking, of course...)! FEBRUARY 6, 2004 Today's Best of Dateline:@#$% selection not only spotlights the first-ever prototype for what would someday become our infamous Classic Cover Redos section, but it ALSO features the word "Beatles"! Hey, there's no stopping me now!... FEBRUARY 5, 2004 Fred Sez, as popular as they may've been forty years ago, even the Fab Four couldn't help keep one of Jim Warren's least successful publications afloat... FEBRUARY 4, 2004 Today's Classic Cover Redo finds Jimmy Olsen wearing a specially colored Beatles wig--and you KNOW that can't be good!?!... FEBRUARY 3, 2004 Today we offer a Beatles themed Classic Cover Redo, which is explained in a new Dateline:@#$% entry--as well as 6 new Links posted, should you for some reason need a change of subject!... FEBRUARY 2, 2004 Fred Sez, it's Paar for the course, one final time... FEBRUARY 1, 2004 Fred Sez, get ready for a Fab February!... JANUARY 31, 2004 We've added two strips to the Best of Dateline: @#$?! section. JANUARY 30, 2004 Fred Sez, let's here it for...ME?!?... JANUARY 29, 2004 Fred Sez, now here's a show I watch every second of, even though it sometimes ticks me off... JANUARY 28, 2004 Fred Sez, sadly, the Video Valhalla is just getting more and more crowded... JANUARY 27, 2004 Today, we offer a pair of centennial themed Classic Cover Redos, as well as the most succinct Fred Sez ever! JANUARY 24, 2004 We've added two strips to the Best of Dateline: @#$?! section. JANUARY 23, 2004 Fred Sez, here's the tale of a young man's encounter with Marvels and Mothers!... JANUARY 22, 2004 Fred Sez, you've all heard of Zap Comix, but how many of you are familiar with Zappa Comics?... JANUARY 21, 2004 Fred Sez, here's an important message from our pal Val!... JANUARY 19, 2004 Fred Sez, here's yet another of my idiosyncratic reminiscences to mark the day, gang... JANUARY 18, 2004 We've added two strips to the Best of Dateline: @#$?! section. JANUARY 17, 2004 We've added another 130 comic art links including 110 creator websites--and I think we're just about done for now. Honest! JANUARY 16, 2004 We've added a colorized DAREDEVIL #37 to Cover Gallery 2 of the Classic Cover Redos section . JANUARY 14, 2004 Fred Sez, sometimes I drive myself crazy--LITERALLY!! (Plus over 30 new Links posted today!)... JANUARY 13, 2004 Fred Sez, just call me Sir Links-A-Lot!... JANUARY 12, 2004 In the initial phase of our Links overhaul, we've posted over 400 comics related sites for you to visit! JANUARY 11, 2004 Fred Sez, THIS banana not only had a peel, but a Silvers lining as well!!... JANUARY 10, 2004 We've added two strips to the Best of Dateline: @#$?! section. JANUARY 9, 2004 We've added a colorized STRANGE TALES #123 to Cover Gallery 2 of the Classic Cover Redos section. JANUARY 8, 2004 Fred Sez, time for three cakes, LOTSA candles, and big thanks to Julie Hembeck for her technical expertise in producing a...unique...group portrait!!. JANUARY 6, 2004 Fred Sez, it's a sad day for baseball--for any number of reasons... JANUARY 5, 2004 Fred Sez, here's a way to make the Smilin' One become the Dancin' One!... JANUARY 4, 2004 Fred Sez, where there's a Will, there's an Elf!... JANUARY 3, 2004 Fred Sez, there's a pall over the mall... JANUARY 1, 2004 Fred Sez, Happy Hangover, everyone!!... |